3 Things to Avoid in a Sales Job Offer Letter

Don’t underestimate the importance of your sales job offer letters. Sure these documents are brief and often have a breezy, upbeat tone. But that doesn’t mean the language you use is irrelevant. In fact, you need to pick your words carefully and avoid saying anything that could put your company in a compromised position down the road. Watch out for these three common mistakes:
Making a Promise of Long-Term Employment
Unless your job contracts state otherwise, you are bringing sales staff onboard on an “at-will” basis. That means employment is not guaranteed for any prescribed period of time. It also means that raises and promotions are not guaranteed on any set schedule. It is important to mention the “at-will” basis of the position you’re offering and avoid making any casual promises about employment tenure or advancement opportunities. If and when you do part ways with this employee, those promises can create legal issues for your company if the split is contentious.
Relying Only on the Letter
Extending a job offer letter is both a standard practice and a professional courtesy. But it shouldn’t be the only way you communicate your offer to a new member of your sales staff. As soon as the hiring decision has been made, call the candidate and let them know the good news. Make the call even if it is after 5 p.m. The competition for top sales talent is fierce right now, and all of your prospects are likely being courted by your competitors. In the time you wait to send out your sales letter your ideal candidate could accept a position elsewhere. You can rule out that possibility by simply picking up the phone.
Forgetting Key Information
All job offer letters need to contain certain key information. Those that don’t simply create unnecessary confusion and can compromise your recruiting efforts in frustrating ways. Before sending out any letter, make sure it includes these details:
- The title of the job
- Whether the job is full or part time
- A basic rundown of the primary responsibilities
- The name of the direct supervisor
- The expected starting date
- The pay rate and the frequency that pay is issued
- Whether the employee is exempt or nonexempt under the FLSA
- Information about benefits
An easy way to avoid any pitfalls buried in your job offer letters is to make sure multiple stakeholders read the letter before you send it out. Involve members of your HR and legal departments to help you spot any ambiguous language. Then rely on the team at Artemis Consultants to help you retain your new staff and recruit the next generation when necessary.