4 Warning Signs That Your Team is Losing Focus

Great companies are always evolving, and your customers expect to experience change. What they don’t expect (because too many companies haven’t lived up to this end of the bargain) is to be told about those changes. That said, this email from Artemis Consultants serves as a refreshing change of pace. If you’re going to evolve to remain “current’, or even better yet, become “industry leaders”, you need to have the right people on the bus.
How do you know if your existing team is qualified to lead your company to meet your customer’s needs? Below are 4 warning signs your existing team is losing focus to keep your company’s status as an industry leader:
- Communication from employees to management is less frequent
- Work progress has slowed and your department no longer meet deadlines
- Lack of innovative ideas being brought to management’s attention
- Employees are not engaged in meetings and around the office
Even if you’re fully staffed, I encourage you to take an anticipatory approach to evaluating your staffing needs. There are candidates out there that can be game changers for your organization. Unless you know where to find them, you need a search partner with the experience and established brand that candidates know and trust. This is where Artemis Consultants can help you.
If you have a “candidate wish list“, or want to share more about what your organization is experiencing, click on the link below to schedule a time to speak with me. I look forward to connecting.