Cast a Bigger Net | How a Search Firm Expands Your Recruiting Reach

When I realized I would need an extra hand getting a king sized mattress up two flights of stairs, I reached out to my neighbor for help. Actually, there were quite a few people I could have asked. I live in a very tight-knit community, and over the years I have made the fortune of many friends. Building this community has taken time and effort: attending social events, cheering for sports teams, and supporting each other in the ups and downs of life. It reminded me of how important it is to rely on a network. For hiring managers that want to caster a wider net, a search firm can expand your recruiting reach.
What it takes to build a strong business network has many ties to building my neighborhood community “network.” Over the years as a recruiter at Artemis Consultants, my coworkers and I have invested in people through networking events, conferences, phone conversations, and more. The network at Artemis is truly what differentiates us from other recruiting firms, and is essential to our success.
Most Hiring managers rely on job boards, but these automated talent acquisition platforms. A.I. & Bots take the heart out of hiring. And few hiring managers want to sort through hundreds of emails or stacks of resumes.
Networking Beyond One Industry
Hiring Managers reach out to recruiting firms to tap into a larger network beyond that of their own industry. Artemis supports Software, Technology, Big Data and B2B Services companies by finding them valuable talent for Individual Contributor, Management and Executive Leadership positions.
More than a Friendly Handshake
Recommending a person for a position goes beyond finding a “nice” person who will show up on time each day. It’s about having in-depth knowledge of the skill sets of candidates and even how a candidate’s skills have developed in different roles over a period of time. This kind of personal relationship knowledge cannot come from only a resume. In many cases, Artemis recommends gainfully employed professionals with whom we have had numerous conversations. Because of an in-depth understanding of both the individual’s skills and the job opportunity, Artemis is able to find a mutually beneficial match.
Maintaining Relationships Over Time
Scott Scherr, founder of Ultimate Software says: “My father taught me this about running a successful business: Make people your No. 1 priority and the rest will follow.” Let’s face it: even with today’s technology, it’s easy to lose touch with someone over time. All relationships take effort to maintain. At Artemis, we realize the importance of frequent contact with our network- this could be in the form of a networking event, or a simple phone call to have a discussion. We make it our mission to reach out to our network on a regular basis.
Casting the Bigger Net
When a hiring manager partners with an executive search firm like Artemis, he/she has access to a whole new network of targeted contacts. Through research and networking, Artemis is able to pinpoint the best candidates for the job.
Time equals money. And when a company’s positions stay unfilled, the costs add up quickly. There is a measurable cost in a loss of production. And there are unmeasured costs in a loss of morale of the employees who absorb the workload.
Artemis is proud to be named after the Greek goddess of hunting. We hunt the top 5% of top-performing talent for our clients. Please contact us to learn how you can benefit by establishing a partnership with us.