Four Benefits of Using a Recruiter to Find Talent

Your business needs leadership. You can just make a few phone calls or take out an ad, right? Turns out, it’s not that easy. Finding the right executive, regardless of sector, defines the critical long-term success of your business. These high-level leaders require a lot of time and energy to discover and vet. It’s time to call in the experts!
There are many reasons to use an executive search partner. Consider the following reasons an executive search partner could benefit you:
They provide an outside perspective on the hiring goals/needs.
You might be looking to replace the retiring executive with a clone of their same skill set, but perhaps subtle shifts in the marketplace would actually be guiding the business in a long-term trajectory that would benefit from a new skill set altogether. Maybe you’re hoping to have someone in place in six months, but realistically, it can be done in four. An executive search partner is going to see these differences and direct you forward in the way that best suits the business. That outside perspective can see the fly in the ointment and the lining on the silver cloud.
They have a network of candidates to choose from that may not be available otherwise.
A search partner may have candidates who are only looking for the “just right” position and aren’t advertising their availability. They can also get your position in front of candidates who might not see the opening on their own, allowing you more touches inside a narrow field of strong candidates.
They have resources to seek candidates from outside local areas.
You might just be thinking of running your job ad in your local business periodical or perhaps spreading the word through local networking word of mouth. This approach limits you geographically. What if the perfect fit with every desirable skill and massive amounts of experience is in Peoria and you’re in Orlando? An executive search partner will help reach a far broader market, which makes the perfect fit more likely.
They have the experience to know what makes a good hire.
Executive positions don’t open up that frequently, and people trying to fill those roles often have never filled that position before. Coming up with the list of desirable traits, needed skills, and best practices can be tedious and time-consuming, leaving the position unfilled for even longer. Search partners have faced these same dilemmas and have the answers in their back pockets. They know what it’s going to take to find the best fit for your opening, both short and long term.
There are many reasons to consider using an executive search partner. We bring years of subject matter expertise to the hiring process. Let our team help you fill your executive positions by getting in touch with Artemis Consultants.