Hiring: How To Entice Valuable Candidates

You spend time, energy and money attracting high level talent to your company because you want the best personnel to move your company forward. Creating a positive experience for your applicants will improve your ability to hire your highest ranked candidate and your corporate brand. Here are some ways to entice valuable candidates.
Courting Your Future Hire
In the hustle and bustle of your regular work priorities, it’s easy to forget some basic professional conduct during the interview cycle. Bad news travels fast! And social media can provide enough horsepower to a begrudged candidate to create a challenging environment to manage the reputation of your company.
Follow-up emails and phone calls leave them with the impression that your company is sincerely interested in maintaining a relationship with them, and in having them onboard. The post-interview thank-you email isn’t just for candidates to send you. This email allows you an opportunity to market yourself a little, and also to reiterate the remainder of the hiring process. It could say something as simple, but personal, as “Thank you for coming in and meeting with our CEO today. We enjoyed hearing your experience in corporate sales at your last position. We will be meeting internally here in the next couple of days,” and so on.
What About the “Not-Right-Now” Candidate
Getting in touch with the candidates who don’t meet your needs at present and letting them know that you’ve decided to move a different direction prevents bad reviews on Glassdoor. More than that, it is a respectful and simple way to boost reputation while not slamming the door shut with potential future hires. Just because a candidate isn’t a “today” fit, doesn’t mean that candidate – or a friend of that candidate – isn’t the “tomorrow” best thing. Crickets for an answer after an application or interview can leave a bad taste in the talent’s mouth and cause a bad review.
This doesn’t have to be a long explanation of the “whys”, just a short and courteous notification. The email might read something like this, “Thank you for your interest in our company. We appreciate your continued support and the effort you invested in the hiring process. We have moved forward with a different candidate at this time, but we will be keeping your information on file for future openings.”
Company Differentiators
With so many candidates expecting work flexibility, the ability to attract candidates based on physical office space or location has waned. What should companies do today to attract top talent in a work from home climate?
According to LinkedIn research, 75% of job seekers research a company’s reputation before applying. A negative review on Glassdoor or a disgruntled employee rant on social media can sway a candidate to look elsewhere. You need to find ways to brand your company.
Communication, Communication, Communication
Remember, communication is more than just polite, it demonstrates the professionalism of your company. Candidates like to feel desired. The companies that do the best job creating positive experiences during the recruiting process will be more likely to secure their preferred candidate. The consultants at Artemis understand how to make valuable talent feel connected and appreciated, even if you choose not to hire them. Our process will ensure you get the talent best-suited for you, while maintaining your corporate integrity. Send us an email or give us a call and we will help you manage hiring your next recruiting need with grace and style.