On-boarding: The hidden compenent to the hiring process

As the economy starts to rebound, we’ve seen more of a focus on probably the most overlooked part of the hiring process… on-boarding. At times, companies make the mistake of assuming the hiring process ends once the candidate accepts their employment offer. Yes, acceptance is a key part, but now it is time to capitalize on your investment. If the on-boarding process is incomplete, then companies are at risk of losing all of their investment of time, training, resources, etc. it took to acquire their most sought after talent.
To help you with the on-boarding process, below are 5 steps which may help ensure your new hire experiences a smooth transition to your company.
1. After the offer is accepted, the hiring manager should send a personal email welcoming the new employee to the team and company.
2. As the new employee is working through their 2wk notice with their former employer, the hiring manager should be in contact with the employee a couple times a week to keep them engaged with their new role. This can be accomplished by providing them marketing information to help learn company services and solutions, completing hiring documents, etc. (This is a critical time as the employee could consider changing their mind and “no start”.)
3. Before the new hire’s start date, make sure all travel arrangements (if needed) and equipment are in place (i.e. computer, company email, CRM, phone, etc.) so the new hire can hit ground running.
4. If the new employee is working remote (i.e. not in office), then assign them with a mentor. This mentor should be someone besides the hiring manager so they can reach out for questions, guidance, and feel connected to HQ.
5. Through the first 90 days, make sure the new employee is continuing to be integrated into the corporate culture and is feeling a sense of belonging. If they feel like a part of the family, you will ensure longevity with your investment.
Remember, hiring is a process and not just a quick transaction.