TIMING: It Goes Two Ways in a Job Hunt

Think back to the day you accepted THE JOB THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING. Relieved that your search was finally over, you felt confident in your decision. You weighed all the factors. They valued your skills. You valued their mission.
If you think about it even more closely, whatever the reasons were on the day you accepted, you based your decision on where you were AT THAT TIME in your life.
Timing: it has to match up for both a job candidate and employer.
The Company Says, “It Takes Time to Make the Right Decision”
And, it does take…. a certain amount of time. But, companies who drag their feet between steps in the process quickly realize that bad timing kills all deals.
Companies who choose to hire recruiters will experience the best return when they view the recruiting firm as a partnership. They value a pre-set process which includes strict timelines.
For example, Artemis Consultants’ process includes gathering candidates to present to a company with the request that those submitted candidates are reviewed by hiring managers within a day or two. A day or two… seems reasonable, but when it drags out to a week or two, some of those (perhaps the best of those) submitted candidates may not still be available.
Likewise, it can be detrimental to both the company and recruiting firm when hiring managers’ schedules for interviews are tight. Companies who value the partnership timeline will do their best to be available to hold interviews. The time lapse between a screening call and a first interview should be minimal as well as the lapse between a first and second interview.
Decisions have to be made within a timely manner. Money’s Martha White reports, “Overall, the average job-search process takes just over six weeks–43 days, to be exact—but that varies considerably by industry.” A good rule of thumb for a company is to take no longer than a month and a half from start to finish. Companies who do not move on candidates they like will lose their top choice.
The Candidate Says, “First Come, First Serve”
If a candidate is offered a position and the offer is solid, there is little reason to wait for another “possible” position with another company. The candidate will most likely go with the known entity, the sure thing, even if the other possible offer may be a better fit or more money. It is extremely difficult for even the most sought after candidates to say no to an offer when a possible one is not coming through in a timely manner.
Depending on the role, candidates in today’s market are being courted by numerous companies. A candidate sees value in a company who is decisive and knows who they want. Taking too much time between steps may leave the candidate feeling disinterested or unwanted. Remember, first impressions are being formed even before an official offer is given. While it’s great to run a decision by many people within the company, sometimes fewer opinions work better because agreement can come more quickly. If a candidate is actively seeking employment, he/she may have more than one offer or anticipated offer. Being decisive is a huge competitive advantage.
Intersection of Timing & Opportunity
If real estate is all about location, hiring is all about timing. Timing begins at the moment a candidate is met and includes everything from how much time it takes to follow up on a resume to the timing of a negotiated start date. Keep in mind that the most desired candidates are getting courted on a regular basis. The quicker a company can make a decision and act on it, the more likely they will land their preferred candidate. Avoid these mistakes that derail the hiring process.
In his famous poem, Robert Frost said, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/ And sorry I could not travel both….I took the one less traveled by/ And that has made all the difference.”
Whichever road or path you choose, I’d argue that TIMING makes all the difference.
For more information on how to partner with Artemis Consultants, please visit us at www.artemisconsultants.net.