Why Tenure Isn’t What It Once Was


Thirty or 40 years ago, people would find a good job and stay for many years, and then retire from that company. In today’s modern culture on the move, it’s not uncommon for candidates to stay at a position for two-to-three years and then move on for many reasons.

Many candidates can be misread as disloyal, when in fact they are actually just ambitious and seeking greater challenge.

Candidates today are very aware of limited funding being used for many positions. In order to increase their skill set and advance in responsibility, many feel they need to move to a new position. Depending on the industry, the companies involved, and how ambitious the potential hire is, this could mean tenures of two-to-three years. Technical positions often mean that it is more likely that the candidate will move to enhance their skill set.

It’s easy to become complacent in business or in any profession.  You learn your job, do it well, fall into a routine, and kind of coast through a solid career.  But, I’d argue that ambitious people refuse to live in a state of boredom for very long.  Ambitious people HAVE to learn new things.

Salary Negotiation

Sometimes the best way to increase salary is not waiting for that five percent raise after the great review, but rather to change positions. Candidates who have been increasing skill sets through great exposure to good projects with high demands may find themselves rapidly in a spot where their skills have exceeded the amount allotted for the role they are in. These candidates have decreased tenure because of the rapid expansion of their bottom line. Rather than settle for far less than they are worth, these candidates will move around. If you see an advanced salary in a candidate, there’s a good chance this is why.

A Longer Tenure Might Not Always Be a Good Thing

Sometimes a longer tenure means the candidate lacks the flexibility to seek out change. Objects at rest stay at rest in employment circles, too; and change can be very frightening to some people. A long tenure doesn’t always mean bad things, but it doesn’t always mean good, either. Look carefully at the situation surround the candidate’s skills to see if they are up-to-date.

Tenure is a tricky measure of a candidate. It’s better for the long-term progress of an organization to hire a quality short-term candidate than a mediocre long-term one. Great candidates can move your organization along faster in the current average of two-to-three years than the mediocre ones can in double that.

The recruiters at Artemis Consultants are experts at evaluating the conditions around a candidates’ tenure to see what was the real driver. With our customized approach, we can find you an excellent balance of skills and experience for your hiring needs. Contact us to learn more.

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