The Unexpected ROI of an AMAZING Hire

A $5 scratch off ticket wins you $1000.
Losing weight even though you cheated on a diet.
Impressing a teenage son in a pick-up basketball game.
Sometimes, in everyday life, things go better than expected.
The same is true in business. We expect to hire great people. But what happens when a new hire turns out to be better than expected? What is the ROI of an AMAZING hire?
The unexpected qualities of an AMAZING hire might include things like: producing ideas that lead to results, bringing a creative spin to proven tactics, or having a positive influence on co-workers. The amazing hire might naturally be an expert in the art of conversation, be extremely loyal to the company, or possesses stronger than expected communication skills.
I’m sure you can think of a person who fits this description. The question is: how can a hiring manager find and hire someone who will go beyond what is listed in the job description?
Using a recruiting firm increases the chances of finding an AMAZING hire.
A recruiting firm offers a company many advantages when looking for and retaining employees who produce maximum return on investment.
- Recruiting firms have years of expertise in attracting, retaining, and qualifying talent.
- Recruiting firms have a network to tap into which extends far beyond that of a typical individual company’s network.
- A good recruiting firm will help a company design an interview process and better hiring practices.
- Recruiting consultants may have one area of core responsibility in the process; therefore being expert in that area.
- Using a recruiting firm can increase the speed of making the actual hire (essential for many positions such as sales where speed of hire directly corresponds to selling time).
Recruiters Rely on Relationships Over Technology to find AMAZING talent.
The human element is at the heart of job seeking—and recruiting. It takes more than talent acquisition software sorting through keywords to get an entire picture. And recruiters know– the best applicants may be the ones not actively searching at all.
Ann M. Mulcahy, former CEO of Xerox Corporation states: “Employees are a company’s greatest asset – they’re your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company’s mission.”
We at Artemis Consultants couldn’t agree more. Let us help your company find a new hire who is unexpectedly AMAZING.