How to Unplug in Today’s Plugged in Society

If someone asked you unplug completely for 24 hours, could you do it?  Imagine one whole day without your phone. Maybe you start at Starbucks. As you wait for your coffee, what do you do without your phone?  You leave and hit a traffic jam. Without Maps, how do you know how big the backup…

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Who’s the Glue? The Value of Relationship Building

Relationship Building

In every friend group, there’s that one person—the “glue”—who keeps everyone connected. They’re the ones organizing get-togethers, ensuring everyone shows up for birthdays, and sending out invitations months in advance for that annual reunion. You likely also know someone in your professional network who makes it a priority to stay connected, grabbing lunch or coffee…

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How to Dig Out of the Resume Black Hole and Get an Interview

Your ideal job is posted.  You are highly qualified.  You spend hours crafting the perfect resume and cover letter.  You finally hit apply and— then begin waiting. For days, you check your phone and email, but there is never a request to interview.  Why?  Did an actual person read your application before it fell into…

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